Monday, March 19, 2012


When I was a young girl, I dreamed of My Prince Charming, like all young girls do.  As I grew older, I knew I wanted a Tall, Dark, and Handsome boy, with a sense of humor, a heart of gold, and a brain that would intrigue me.  Asking a little too much, you say?  Well, I knew he was out there, somewhere....over the rainbow, bluebirds fly, why then oh why can't I?...Oh, sorry, got distracted by a song again.

Anyway, I went through life finding certain attributes of what I wanted in the boys/men I ended up with, and realized that none of them were exactly what I wanted.  After a few failed relationships, and many teasings about the number of name changes I have gone through, especially by my co-workers, who blame the lack of a raise on the department's constant ordering of new nametags for me  (I could have hypenated, ya know), I found a guy that actually fit all of my wants and needs...The BFWSRN (short for The BoyFriend Who Shall Remain Nameless).

Through all of these relationships, I learned what I wanted and what I didn't want in a man and decided I wouldn't settle for anything less than EXACTLY what I truly wanted.  By pure accident, I met The BFWSRN.

I had signed up for a dating website and made some really good friends, but none of them seemed to trip my trigger in every way that I wanted or needed them to.  One day, I found that a gentleman had Favorited me and I looked at his profile to see what he was all about.  I saw his picture and can honestly say it was Love At First Sight.  I couldn't get his eyes out of my mind and my first thought was the he was Absolutely ADORABLE!!!   So, I replied to his email and found, to my suprise, that he was surprised at my reply.  Confused?  Well, so was he.  heeheehee

It seems that he had been talked into going on a dating website, by one of his friends, and was perusing his choices and "bookmarking" them, not realizing that he was sending out emails to the respective ladies, saying that he had just "Favorited" them.  He sheepishly, and blushingly, answered my reply and once we started talking on the computer (3 hours for the first conversation) and on the phone (2+ hours for the first conversation), we found that we actually had a lot in common and seemed to be well suited to each other in the fabulous personality department.

So, about 2 weeks later, we met in person, and I was absolutely smitten.  It was misting just a wee bit and he was holding an umbrella for me as I stepped out of my car.  Such a gentleman and so amazingly ADORABLE!!  Our conversation was easy and relaxed over a wonderful dinner, followed by a leisurely walk on the riverfront.  As time went on and our relationship developed, we found that his hand reached for mine as we walked side by side, whether it be at the grocery store or walking down the street.  Our hands fit perfectly together and the warmth that we felt through our hands, seemed to radiate from our hearts. 

He set the pace for our relationship...slow and easy...which is exactly what we both needed.  Any of you who know me, know that I have a habit of jumping in with both feet and running a bit too fast from the get go.  I'm thankful that his pace, our pace, has allowed us to really get to know each other and build a friendship and relationship that we both see lasting a lifetime, if we're one of the lucky ones.

He's tall (taller than me..YAY!!), dark (dark brown hair with beautiful blue eyes), and smart as all getout.  I could run around in his brain and NEVER get bored.  He's got so much information up there in those filing cabinets that make up his brain, that I could spend a lifetime being his brain's secretary and never be done with my work.  Our conversations are still at least an hour long, every time we talk, and they cover any topic you could possibly imagine.  Long story short, because I could go on forever, his brain intrigues me to no end.  I've told him numerous time that I love him for his brain.  He laughs, but he is also flattered by my comment.

Whereas his smarts make him sexy in my eyes, his looks do much the same for me.  He's not a model out of a GQ Magazine, but he's got this beautiful smile that goes all the way to his eyes and warms my heart like a cozy fire in the middle of winter.  He's soft spoken, has a gentle heart and possesses the patience of a Saint.  He allows me to fawn over him, which I do a lot, with an understanding smile and a "Silly Girl", letting me know that he knows I'm just a bit "Off".  His family sees that I'm absolutely crazy about him, and they tolerate my silly behavior with that same patient smile.

His heart is truly made of gold. He will bend over backwards for his family and friends and sometimes spreads himself a bit too thin. He's shown me, time and again, how gentle and sweet he is, by the things he's done for the people that are important in his life. My BFF told me that he shows how much he cares about me just by doing what he's done for the people in my life. He and my BFF surprised me a month ago, by him flying her up here to spend some time with me. They're both little snots for doing it, but I'm thankful for both of them. He gives everyone a fair chance, sometimes too many chances, which I've also been guilty of, but that's because his heart doesn't allow him to have a mean thought toward anyone...even those that have caused some of the slowly healing scars on his heart.

I could look at him all day and never get bored.  I can't be near him without reaching over and touching him....his hand, his shoulders (drool, drool) (have I mentioned that I just LOVE his shoulders?), his face.  We can be in a room full of people and see only each other.  WHAT MAGIC I've found in him!! 

He wanders in and out of my mind all day long, and every now and then I have to send him a text asking him if he's exhausted from running around in my brain so much.  Sometimes, I get a reply saying: "Can I put my clothes back on yet?  It's getting a bit chilly here." (Sorry Judy...his mom.. hehehe)  I can honestly say that I have never been so crazy about any man in my life and often tell him how stupidly and ridiculously in love with him I am.  He, again, smiles patiently, and just soaks it all up.  He loves it, admittedly, and has given me the compliment that I'm the best girlfriend he's ever had.  I know he's still adjusting to how I treat him, and tells me that he's never been on the receiving end of such affection, attention, and emotional spoiling.  I told him he just needs to get used to it, because I'm not changing how I treat him.  I just can't help myself.

For those of you who haven't found THIS, be took me 46 years to find it.  For those of you who HAVE found THIS, hang onto it, cherish it, and never let it go.

By the way, the reason he is named The BFWSRN is because I didn't want him innundated with condolence cards, emails, and messages saying they were "sorry" for him dating me.  He's already been told "I'm sorry" by the folks I work with.... hehehe

Sappily In Love,

My Father's Daughter

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