Thursday, March 15, 2012

No Comments

It seems, or a little birdie told me, that some of you want to post comments on my blogs and are not able to.  My inexperience in blogging makes me somewhat handicapped in this area, so if anyone with sage advice on this matter would care to clue me in, I would sure appreciate it.  You can send me a message on Facebook or email me pieces of your vast knowledge at JillMcCarl at Gmail dot com. (properly changed per the advice of my bestest friend from High School...Who I tormented for three (3) looooong years).

I had a thought about what to write on here today, but it seems that train of thought has been derailed.  Note to Self:  (also good advice given to me by the Boyfriend Who Shall Remain Nameless) have a notepad and pen handy at all times to avoid future derailments. 

So I found out my daughter and son are extremely smart.  I've always thought they were too smart for MY own good, but now they are proving that they are smarter than not only the kids in their own classes, but also smarter than the school district they're in.  My daughter, who is in 2nd Grade, blew the district's scores away on her recent testing and my son is way ahead of his class, even though he's just in Pre-school. I'm so very proud of them both!!!  I guess with three super smart parents raising them, I should have expected these results.  Once the influence of the BWSRN increases, I won't be surprised if we raise Valedictorians, Physicists, Doctors, (no lawyers allowed) or Presidential Candidates.

Book smart and Street smart, we've got all sides covered, considering the lives we've all lead to this point.  What one of us doesn't know, one of the others surely does.  I can't imagine a more well-rounded education for my kids.  The country life with Dad and Shelly and the classical education with the BWSRN and me. 

Most folks who get divorced, do it because they don't like each other, and the kids end up being used as pawns.  Not so in my case.  Sometimes it's just best to know when to call it quits and move on, before you get to the point where you can't stand the sight of each other, let alone having to share kids.  What most folks don't remember is that whatever decisions are made regarding the children involved, should be made in the best interest of the kids, not the self-serving needs of the parents. 

Having a good relationship my kids' Dad and his wife, make for the absolute best environment for our kids to grow and thrive in.  They are loved beyond words and they know it.  They are also exposed to what GOOD relationships are like, so when they grow up and start their own relationships, (boys are eligible to fill out applications to date my daughter when she is 30 and girls have to pass just as thorough an inspection before dating my son) they know that communication is the NORM and affection is a MUST.  They see both of these major ingredients of a strong bond in both of their parents' relationships, which can only help them to make good choices as they grow up.

When we have children, we always want better for them than what we had.  If we teach them the right way from the beginning, their chances of growing into good, productive citizens, increases 100 fold.  I'm proud of my babies and I'm proud of the way they are being raised.  I look forward to seeing how far up they reach in their dreams and we, as their parents, will do whatever it takes to help them achieve their goals, if not surpass them.

I know this post wasn't very humorous, but, believe it or not, I also have a serious side.  More humor will don't be disheartened. 

Enjoy your day and Love your kids,

My Father's Daughter


  1. I wanted to see if indeed I couldn't write a comment, as there is a comment box at the end of the post. So, we will see how this goes.

    I couldn't agree with you more Jill, it is very important to have a village raise a child...and if that village isn't exactly what you expected it to be at 21 yoa- well, shocker...I can't imagine what worked for me at 21 would work now, or what works for me now will work at 41. That being said, I wish all those in similar situations would be as astute when it comes to raising their children. I love my children, all three of them, as though I gave birth to all three (though I did not). My children define me, and they don't have to be from my womb for me to feel as though I have been connected to them my entire life. My ex-husband and I have a friendly enough relationship that I believe my daughter (also smart beyond her years, and most definitely beyond her district) benefits from that mutually loving and accepting relationship. I do not fault my ex-husband for the past, nor do I blame myself. We made our decisions, and in the end it was best for all. I wish I could say the same was true for my husband's ex-wife...who's pawn-playing seems to be a favorite pasttime. I believe it so greatly effects my "step" children, that they run to me as a safe-haven. And all the pawn-playing really has the adverse effect than what the player is trying to create. It saddens me on a regular basis, but all you can do is put on a smile, and open your ears for your little hearts that bleed for love. And you give them hugs, and you allow them as many "I LOVE YOU"'s as they need. And they need them, much more than kids who don't get played as pawns...and you pray very hard that you are a force enough to wade out their tide of anxiety, and help them remain even-keel. But, all that being said...I applaud you for your forward thinking, and I join you in your mindset. It is very important to put your children first, because then they learn in kind just how maturity works. If we don't teach our children the important lessons in life, then who will? Awesome.

    1. Thank you so much for your side of things, Unknown. I wonder if you're related to Anonymous. hehehe

      I truly think if more adults thought as you and I do, our children would have a much gentler, kinder world to grow up in. Alas, that is not the case and will probably never be the case, but as long as there are SOME of us out there, SOME of those kids have a fighting chance....and maybe, one child at a time, we can turn the tide. Thank you for your comment.
